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e-Bench® provides a comprehensive targeting and monitoring energy and utility information management system. While there are other systems that offer targeting and monitoring, none are as comprehensive as e-Bench®.

It has often been quoted that “You cannot manage what you cannot measure” and “Measured data is of little use without analysis”. It is therefore key to know what is being consumed, how it is being consumed, where it is being consumed and how this consumption relates to activity or key performance indicators (KPI’s).

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Targeting and monitoring will on average result in about 5% per annum in avoided costs.  Depending on the nature of the controls and systems, this percentage can be much higher.  Cost avoidance, rather than savings, will come from identifying problems much earlier than what might otherwise be the case, for example identifying underground water leaks which are notoriously difficult to spot or when HVAC systems might be heating and cooling at the same time.

Additional savings will also be generated through savings in staff time, through removing the need to enter invoice information into the financial payment system and additionally, in having to check them for accuracy.

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